Register for TD79P VinaPhone package

2 min readOct 7, 2021


Registering for 4g Vina (đăng ký 4G Vina tháng)can not ignore the package TD79P VinaPhone. One of the new packages recently launched with great deals. Upon successful registration, you will receive 1000 minutes of on-net calls and 60 minutes of free outside-network calls per month. Besides, you will also get 90GB per month, surf the web, watch movies, play games, listen to music, etc., without worrying about additional fees with high-speed data.

Offers When Using 3TD79P VinaPhone Package

When registering 3g Vina (đăng ký 3g Vina) package 3TD79P, you will receive the following incentives:

You will immediately receive 1000 minutes of on-net calls per month, equivalent to 3000 minutes of free calls to use in 3 months.

Free 60 minutes on-net every month, so in 3 months you will have 180 minutes of unlimited calling.

Free 90GB per month => 270GB/3 months.

Offers When Using Package 6TD79P VinaPhone

When registering 4g vina package 6TD79P, you will receive the following incentives:

You will immediately receive 1000 minutes of on-net calls per month, equivalent to 6000 minutes of free calling to use in 6 months.

Free 60 minutes on-net every month, so for 6 months you will have 360 ​​minutes of unlimited calling.

Free 90GB per month => 540GB/6 months. Register for 5g Vina đăng ký 5g Vina

Offers When Using Package 12TD79P VinaPhone

When successfully registering for 12TD79P Vina package, your subscribers will receive the following incentives:

You will immediately receive 1000 minutes of on-net calls per month, equivalent to 120,000 minutes of free calling to use in 12 months.

Free 60 minutes of on-net calling every month, you will get 720 minutes for 12 months


Free 90GB per month => 1080GB/12 months.

In the process of using the TD79P package, customers want to check the remaining capacity in the packages, compose: DATA to 888.

If you do not need to continue using the TD79P VinaPhone package, please compose: HUY [Package name] and send to 888.



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