How to register 4g vina in seconds

1 min readJun 26, 2021


Today, just a few simple syntaxes, you can dk 4g vina. Not only stable 4g ​​speed, super smooth web surfing, but also huge data. Let’s go, let’s discover the secret of 4g vina registration.

Read more:ách-đăng-ký-mạng-4g-vina

How to register for 4g network vina

To register for a 4g vina package, you just need to compose a message according to the syntax below. It’s quick and easy, and you can register right away. Soạn:

CHON [Mã gói] gửi 1543

Mã gói là tên gói cước mà bạn muốn đki. Ví dụ khi cần đăng ký gói D2 thì cú pháp chính xác là

CHON D2 gửi 1543

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Refer to the extremely terrible 4g ​​Vinaphone data package codes

Vinaphone has a variety of 4g packages for registered customers. However, the packages below are interested by many customers. You can see the details of the packages below!

4g ​​Vinaphone data package

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